Results for 'Robert F. Nease'

968 found
  1.  56
    Publishing web‐based guidelines using interactive decision models.Gillian D. Sanders, Robert F. Nease & Douglas K. Owens - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (2):175-189.
  2.  66
    Considering moral sensitivity in media ethics courses and research: An essay review by Robert F. Potter.Robert F. Potter - 1997 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 12 (1):51-57.
    (1997). Considering moral sensitivity in media ethics courses and research: An essay review by Robert F. Potter. Journal of Mass Media Ethics: Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 51-57. doi: 10.1207/s15327728jmme1201_4.
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    A New Theory of Conscientious Objection in Medicine: Justification and Reasonability.Robert F. Card - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    This book argues that a conscientiously objecting medical professional should receive an exemption only if the grounds of an objector's refusal are reasonable. It defends a detailed, contextual account of public reasonability suited for healthcare, which builds from the overarching concept of Rawlsian public reason. The author analyzes the main competing positions and maintains that these other views fail precisely due to their systematic inattention to the grounding reasons behind a conscientious objection; he argues that any such view is plausible (...)
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  4. Connectionism, rule-following, and symbolic manipulation.Robert F. Hadley - 1990 - Proc AAAI 3 (2):183-200.
  5.  31
    Fear of Writing, or Adso and the Poisoned Text.Robert F. Yeager - 1985 - Substance 14 (2):40.
  6.  28
    Nozick on law and the state: A critique.Robert F. Ladenson - 1978 - Philosophical Studies 34 (4):437 - 444.
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    The molecular biology of taste transduction.Robert F. Margolskee - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (10):645-650.
    Taste cells respond to a wide variety of chemical stimuli: certain ions are perceived as salty (Na+) or sour (H+); other small molecules are perceived as sweet (sugars) and bitter (alkaloids). Taste has evolutionary value allowing animals to respond positively (to sweet carhohydrates and salty NaCl) or aversively (to bitter poisons and corrosive acids). Recently, some of the proteins involved in taste transduction have been cloned. Several different G proteins have been identified and cloned from taste tissue: gustducin is a (...)
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  8. Situationist Social Psychology and J. S. Mill's Conception of Character: Robert F. Card.Robert F. Card - 2010 - Utilitas 22 (4):481-493.
    The situationist challenge to global character traits claims that on the basis of findings in social psychology, we should only accept at most the existence of local or context-sensitive traits. In this article I explore a neglected area of J. S. Mill's work to outline an account of context-sensitive traits. This account of traits, coupled with a sophisticated consequentialist ethical framework, suggests an interesting view on which persons govern the circumstances of their actions in order to best promote overall well-being.
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    Systematicity in connectionist language learning.Robert F. Hadley - 1994 - Mind and Language 9 (3):247-72.
  10.  31
    Analysis of letter strings in word recognition.Robert F. Stanners & Gary B. Forbach - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):31.
  11.  25
    Ethics in the American Workplace.Robert F. Ladenson - 1995 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 14 (1):17-31.
  12.  46
    Reasons, reasonability and establishing conscientious objector status in medicine.Robert F. Card - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):222-225.
    This paper builds upon previous work in which I argue that we should assess a provider's reasons for his or her objection before granting a conscientious exemption. For instance, if the medical professional's reasoned basis involves an empirical mistake, an accommodation is not warranted. This article poses and begins to address several deep questions about the workings of what I call a reason-giving view: What standard should we use to assess reasons? What policy should we adopt in order to evaluate (...)
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  13.  22
    Problemes Generaux de Psychosomatique Clinique.Robert F. Creegan - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (3):431-431.
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    Truth and Skepticism.Robert F. Almeder - 2010 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Robert Almeder provides a comprehensive discussion and definitive refutation of our common conception of truth as a necessary condition for knowledge of the world, and to defend in detail an epistemic conception of truth without falling into the usual epistemological relativism or classical idealism in which all properties of the world turn out to be linguistic in nature and origin. There is no other book available that clearly and thoroughly defends the case for an epistemic conception of truth and (...)
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  15.  21
    For Sartre of Seventy.Robert F. Lechner - 1975 - Philosophy Today 19 (4):282-282.
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  16. Genetic research, adolescents, and informed consent.Robert F. Weir & Jay R. Horton - 1995 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 16 (4).
    The participation of adolescents in genetic research engenders unusual problems concerning the nature of their informed consent. In this study we analyze 70 consent documents collected from genetics investigators in the United States who conduct research with children and adolescents. We find that many consent documents do not reflect either the current or the developing ethical and legal standards for research with adolescents and that in many cases the documents are simply confusing or unclear. We make recommendations for change to (...)
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  17.  15
    Lectures on the History of Philosophy 1825-6: Volume 1: Introduction and Oriental Philosophy.Robert F. Brown & Peter C. Hodgson (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This new edition of Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy sets forth clearly, for the first time for the English reader, what Hegel actually said. These lectures challenged the antiquarianism of Hegel's contemporaries by boldly contending that the history of philosophy is itself philosophy, not just history. It portrays the journey of reason or spirit through time, as reason or spirit comes in stages to its full development and self-conscious existence, through the successive products of human intellect and activity. (...)
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  18. Free Will and Evaluation: Remarks on Noel Hendrickson's 'Free Will Nihilism and the Question of Method'.Robert F. Allen - manuscript
    Noel Hendrickson believes that free will is separable from the “evaluative intuitions” with which it has been traditionally associated. But what are these intuitions? Answer: principles such as PAP, Β, and UR (6). The thesis that free will is separable from these principles, however, is hardly unique, as they are also eschewed by compatibilists who are unwilling to abdicate altogether evaluative intuitions. We are told in addition that there are “metaphysical senses” of free will that are not “relevant to responsibility” (...)
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  19.  4
    Relationship and Solitude.Robert F. Creegan - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (1):148-150.
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    Ethics in context: Commentaries on the Issue.Robert F. Nagel - 1989 - Criminal Justice Ethics 8 (1):31-33.
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  21.  18
    Genetic Disease and Human Health.Robert F. Murray - 1974 - Hastings Center Report 4 (4):4-7.
  22.  12
    Agape, Justice, and Law: How Might Christian Love Shape Law?Robert F. Cochran & Zachary R. Calo (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In a provocative essay, philosopher Jeffrie G. Murphy asks: 'what would law be like if we organized it around the value of Christian love, and if we thought about and criticized law in terms of that value?'. This book brings together leading scholars from a variety of disciplines to address that question. Scholars have given surprisingly little attention to assessing how the central Christian ethical category of love - agape - might impact the way we understand law. This book aims (...)
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  23.  38
    Remarks on the phenomenology of praise.Robert F. Creegan - 1945 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 6 (3):421-423.
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  24.  37
    Case Studies in Bioethics: Drug Treatment or Drug Addiction?Robert F. Murray & Alan Soble - 1974 - Hastings Center Report 4 (3):10.
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    Constitutional Cultures: The Mentality and Consequences of Judicial Review.Robert F. Nagel - 1989 - University of California Press.
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    Intellectuals on the Couch: The Sokal Hoax and Other Impostures intellectuelles.Robert F. Barsky - 1999 - Substance 28 (1):105.
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    In Defense of Section V: A Reply to Professor Yolton.Robert F. Anderson - 1980 - Hume Studies 6 (1):26-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:26. IN DEFENSE OF SECTION V: A REPLY TO PROFESSOR YOLTON Professor Yolton's article is especially valuable for its opening paragraphs on the writing done in the eighteenth century on the physiological basis of cognition. These provide a much-needed background to Hume's own remarks on the nature of perceptions.. It is both correct and helpful, I think, to understand any philosopher as a man of his own century. Professor (...)
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    Temptation and Freedom in Perelandra.Robert F. Brown - 1984 - Renascence 37 (1):52-68.
  29. Problem : The Church and Scholasticism.Robert F. Harvanek - 1958 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 32:215.
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  30.  13
    Language, Audition and Rhythm.Robert F. Port - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 18--35.
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  31.  20
    The fuzzy logical model of perception: A teaspoon for a pyramid.Robert F. Port - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (4):773-774.
  32.  26
    Review of Robert F. Schopp: Automatism, Insanity, and the Psychology of Criminal Responsibility: A Philosophical Inquiry[REVIEW]Robert F. Schopp - 1993 - Ethics 103 (3):594-596.
    This is a book about the role that psychological impairment should play in a theory of criminal liability. Criminal guilt in the Anglo-American legal tradition requires both that the defendant committed some proscribed act and did so with intent, knowledge, or recklessness. The second requirement corresponds to the intuitive idea that people should not be punished for something they did not do 'on purpose' or if they 'did not realize what they were doing'. Unlike many works in this area, this (...)
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  33.  38
    Are subliminal mere exposure effects a form of implicit learning?Robert F. Bornstein - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):398-399.
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  34.  49
    Subliminality, consciousness, and temporal shifts in awareness: Implications within and beyond the laboratory.Robert F. Bornstein - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (3):613-18.
    In his analysis of subliminal perception research, Erdelyi documented two important phenomena: subchance perception and temporal variability in stimulus availability and accessibility. This Commentary addresses three issues raised by Erdelyi's review: the importance of distinguishing “micro” from “macro” temporal shifts; the need to analyze perception without awareness data at the level of the individual as well as the group; and parallels between the dissociations associated with neuroclinical phenomena and those observed in patients with certain forms of personality pathology. Continued integration (...)
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  35.  71
    Unconscious motivation and phenomenal knowledge: Toward a comprehensive theory of implicit mental states.Robert F. Bornstein - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):758-758.
    A comprehensive theory of implicit and explicit knowledge must explain phenomenal knowledge (e.g., knowledge regarding one's affective and motivational states), as well as propositional (i.e., “fact”-based) knowledge. Findings from several research areas (i.e., the subliminal mere exposure effect, artificial grammar learning, implicit and self-attributed dependency needs) are used to illustrate the importance of both phenomenal and propositional knowledge for a unified theory of implicit and explicit mental states.
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  36.  99
    Epictetus: Discourses, Book 1.Robert F. Dobbin (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Robert Dobbin presents a new translation into clear modern English of the first book of Epictetus' Discourses, accompanied by the first ever commentary on the work in English. The Discourses, composed around AD 100, are a key source for ancient Stoicism, one of the most influential schools of thought in Western philosophy.
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  37.  39
    Human happiness and morality: a brief introduction to ethics.Robert F. Almeder - 2000 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    In Human Happiness and Morality, noted philosopher Robert Almeder provides lucid introductory explanations of the major ethical theories and traditions, as well as a clear and comprehensive discussion of the proposed answers to three basic questions in ethics: What makes a right act right? Why should I be moral? What is human happiness and how can I attain it? He then ventures beyond the basic questions, describing the relationship between morality and happiness; clearly defining human happiness; and raising the (...)
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  38.  26
    The Burden of Obesity: Personal Stories, Professional Insights.Robert F. Kushner - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (2):129-133.
    The word obesity invokes multiple connotations that contain a realm of disparate descriptions ranging from disease to disdain. There are also few other human conditions that cause increased morbidity and mortality and affect millions of individuals worldwide yet is still viewed by many as a character fault or moral failure. Herein we have the opportunity to read the personal reflections of individuals with obesity who have struggled with their weight over a lifetime. Through a series of 12 narratives, the authors (...)
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  39.  10
    Irreversible thermodynamic basis of phase field models.Robert F. Sekerka - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (1):3-23.
  40. The United States and Revolutionary Nationalism in Mexico, 1916-1932.Robert F. Smith - 1973 - Science and Society 37 (4):497-500.
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    Defining Justification and Naturalizing Epistemology.Robert-F. Almeder - 1994 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 54:669-681.
    In this paper I examine the claim that no theory of\nepistemic justification is possible because whatever\ndefinition one gives admits of the question "Are you\njustified in accepting your definition of justification?"\nwhich cannot be answered without begging the question in\nfavor of the original definition offered. I examine various\nreplies to the argument and then argue that the question\nneed not be answered.
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  42. Communication as the Foundation of Distance Education.Robert F. Brooks - 2002 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 7:12.
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  43.  79
    Defeating Skepticism.Robert F. Almeder - 2003 - Philosophical Inquiry 25 (1-2):245-254.
  44.  61
    From Problematology to the 'Problem' of the Dialogical Body.Robert F. Barsky - 2007 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4 (4):415-434.
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    Resurrection: Critical reflections on a doctrine in search of a meaning.Robert F. Scuka - 1989 - Modern Theology 6 (1):77-95.
  46. The liturgy in the life of the Church.Robert F. Taft - 1999 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40 (1-4):187-229.
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    Should Private Agencies Maintain Federal Research Data?Robert F. Boruch - 1984 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 6 (6):8.
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  48. The Psychodynamics of Gender and Gender Role. Empirical Studies in Psychoanalytic Theories, Vol. 10.Robert F. Bornstein & Joseph M. Masling (eds.) - 2002 - American Psychological Association.
  49.  17
    At the center.Robert F. Longley - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (3):i-i.
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    The Ways of Genius.Robert F. Creegan - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (4):589-590.
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